Digging Deeper: Sutton Hoo and Anglo-Saxon England (Virtual)
Thursday, February 237:00—8:15 PMZoom
The 7th century ship burial found at Sutton Hoo, England, the topic of the 2021 film "The Dig", still captivates us. In addition to this site, in recent years there have been a surprising number of new discoveries: the Prittlewell Prince and the Staffordshire Hoard, each offering fresh insights into this period of history in England.
What are the experts learning about these centuries that used to be relegated to the term “the Dark Ages”? The objects of gleaming gold, garnets and silver tell us that the period was marked by more sophistication, trade and culture than previously thought. And we can observe the expansion of Christianity among the artifacts being uncovered.
Led by art historian Mary Woodward, who serves as a guide at several Historic New England properties. She previously served as Public Programs Coordinator and Educator at the Concord Museum. Woodward has a B.A. in Art History from Furman University and a M.A. in Art History from Emory University. She has 40+ years of experience in museums of all shapes and sizes, from the comprehensive collection at the Cleveland Museum of Art to the one-room log cabin birthplace of President James K. Polk.
Image © The Trustees of the British Museum
Virtual Program. Registration Required. This program WILL be recorded.
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